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Sunday, March 29, 2009

War for the Oaks

I finished War for the Oaks earlier today. It was beautiful! I nearly cried at the end. >.<
The Phouka is so adorable! I really love him! I think it's a combination of word choice and the voice I gave him in my head. Also possibly because I imagined him looking somewhat like John, but darker and with black hair...?

Go read this book! It's great! Especially if you live in the Twin Cities!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Holy crap, y'all.
Rent was AMAZING.

I went and saw it tonight with my little sister. It was wonderful.
We had balcony seats, center-stage. We were fairly far back, but we had binoculars and such. Anthony Rapp was there! <3 Caps lock can not express my fangirly joy.
We waited by the stage door after the show, but neither Anthony nor Adam Pascal came out. Ellie and I did get our picture taken with the guy who played Angel.

I've.. gotta sleep now. Assuming I can.

Monday, March 16, 2009

I Capture the Castle

I finished I Capture the Castle last night. It was pretty good. The ending was pretty nice. I really liked the writing style. I'd recommend it to anyone looking for something to read.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Locks of Love and reading

Grr. I just went and checked the Locks of Love website, to look at the requirements for donating hair. It looks like it's gone from eight to ten inches at minimum, which is slightly frustrating. But the real frustrating thing is I just found out they can't take hair that's been treated with bleach, even if it's been colored over.
Which...mine has.

I'm going to cut my hair soon--probably after Detour. I'm gonna cut all the blond off. Or.. all the "light" off. It isn't blond anymore, because I dyed over it. But then I'll have to wait for it to grow out again. Thing is, I don't know if I'll be able to grow my hair ten inches in time. Arrrrrgh. :/

In other news, I've been reading I Capture the Castle, by Dodie Smith (who apparently wrote 101 Dalmatians, I guess?). I like it so far. I'm between 3/4 and 4/5 done with it. I got the book when I was about 10 or 11, and this is my first time through it. :3
My boyfriends sister loaned me a copy of War for the Oaks or War of the Oaks or something. I can't remember the exact title, but it's set where I live, which is pretty cool. I've been told that the final encounter takes place at First Ave, so that sounds neat. I may put off reading it, though, because my little sister seems to have brought Dracula into the house, and I haven't read that, either.
I need to look into banned books. The only ones I know off the top of my head are Harry Potter, and His Dark Materials. The Golden Compass series, ne?

Friday, March 6, 2009


Holy crap. .___.
Yesterday, I both finished reading and saw Watchmen. I got tickets to a midnight showing with my boyfriend. It was really cool. It was a really good book, I really liked it. And the movie! Wow. It was so PRETTY. Though they certainly didn't skimp on the "graphic" part of "graphic novel." Lots of goo. Also sex. That sex scene was freaking long. Especially when you're next to not only your boyfriend, but also his sister and brother-in-law. >.<
In any case, two thumbs up. Though you should really read it before you see the movie. It'll make a little more sense.