
0 / 101 goals. 0% done!

Monday, January 3, 2011

New List

Hey, all. I realize that this is probably seeming sudden, but I have decided to create a new Mission 101 list. I realize I only had a little more than 7 months left, but I really wasn't feeling the old list. My new finishing date is September 28, 2013. I just started on the 1st. :D So, here is the new list:

-Redecorate my room
-Do/attempt self-imposed-sock-of-the-month-club
-Knit/crochet 10 things for someone else
-Knit/crochet 10 things for myself
-Knit/crochet 100 projects to completion
-Make/start a quilt
-Knit at least half of an afghan
-Get and use a sewing machine
-At least start the World Map afghan
-Reduce my yarn stash by 50%, at least
-Have a plan for the remaining 50%, even if it’s just “scrapghan” or “trade/gift”
-Knit a sweater

-Modernize a classic fairy tale and make a comic out of it, at least through the thumbnail stage
-Draw from life in a public place 10 times, and fill the page!
-Win NaNoMango
-Win NaNoWriMo
-Visit Dr. Sketchy’s Anti-Art school
-Redraw LJ mood themes
-Draw a sketch a day for three months
-Draw from life every day for a month
-Sell at an Alley that is not Detour - ACen table confirmed. Goal will be complete at the end of May
-Make five hourly comic day comics
-Wear earrings every day for 30 days
-Get a manicure
-Entirely update my wardrobe
-Get some sort of body modification (tattoo, piercing, etc)

For Others
-Make breakfast in bed for John

-Get a costume for RenFest/CON
-Get a corset for CON/Renfair
-Actually play Tales of Symphonia
-Try vlogging
-Post to my knitting blog twice a week for two months
-Post to my art blog twice a week for two months

Being a grown up
-Get my driver’s license
-Get on birth control
-Host Thanksgiving or Christmas
-Obtain enough underclothes to wear something new and clean every day for at least a week without having to do laundry
-Graduate, or take substantial steps to getting there
-Clean my stupid room
-Move out
-Save up for/plan out in detail a new desk arrangement w/ desktop computer

-Buy every classic disney movie on DVD that comes out of the vault during my mission
-Improve my DVD collection by 10 every year (TV seasons count as 2)
-Update/start my floofy skirt collection by 5
-Get perscription sunglasses
-Watch and buy 10 good horror movies

Bettering Myself
-Go to National Karate and get through my 3rd belt, at least
-Retry three foods that John likes that I don’t
-Go kayaking
-Have a (healthy) smoothie for breakfast/a meal 10 times
-Memorize the five numbers I call most often (mom, Hannah, John, Mike, Ellie?)
-Declutter my room in five steps: clothes, bookshelves, closet, under the bed, desk
-Get down to 160-170 lbs and stay there for three months (give or take 5lbs) (207.5/170)
-Earn 400 fitness credits (12/400 158/546)
-Perform the Sun Salutation 20/30 days one month
-Go at least one month without caffeine (but not necessarily soda)
-Go at least one month without soda (but not necessarily caffeine)
-Take a dance class

-Have a girl’s night out
-Play a drinking game
-Have a movie/series marathon
-Spend the weekend away with John
-Spend the day in bed with John, having a movie/video game marathon

-Learn to make chili
-Make cupcakes/etc and bring them to game
-Make noms for a LAN party
-Attempt 100 new recipes and save the good ones
-Bake fresh bread

-Do a time capsule
-Get prints of all my good photos and organize them into albums
-Read 50 books
-Place 100 posties with things that make me happy
-Stargaze, preferably with a friend and a starbook
-Read at least one previously unread book by 26 different authors, one for each letter of the alphabet
-Do something holiday themed for every major holiday (New Year’s, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Independence Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas), but not necessarily in the same year

You may have noticed that there are only 75. I'm going to fill in the last 26 over the next 300 days or so.

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