Yesterday, I went over to the boyfriend's house, and I saw not one, but two movies I hadn't seen before.
First we watched Transformers (I know, please don't kill me! There are more important movies I haven't seen yet!) I really liked it. I just can't get that image of Monkey-Optimus Prime out of my head. From one of the TV versions of it from when I was a kid.
Then we ate some food and stuff. Then we watched Groundhog's Day. Which was actually pretty neat. It made the Supernatural episode of the same title more funny.
This makes my goal #9 (See 50 new movies) 10% complete!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
FAFSA is a bitch
I just completed and submitted my FAFSA form. (Goal #27 is to get enrolled in school.) It was long and complicated and strange. But I did it! Hopefully they'll deem me poor enough to pay for my schooling. Or part of it, at least.
I was actually accepted to Minneapolis Community Technical College! (Herein "MCTC") But I haven't taken my placement tests, and I haven't chosen classes, so I'm not 'enrolled' yet. D:
I hope that, when we do move out, it's in Minneapolis. Maybe that'll make it easier to get to MCTC. I need to take like three buses, as is.
I was actually accepted to Minneapolis Community Technical College! (Herein "MCTC") But I haven't taken my placement tests, and I haven't chosen classes, so I'm not 'enrolled' yet. D:
I hope that, when we do move out, it's in Minneapolis. Maybe that'll make it easier to get to MCTC. I need to take like three buses, as is.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
February General Update
I'm aware that February isn't quite over yet. But I partly love doing updates, and it's partly that I've got nothing else to do, and also that February is so gorram short.
Completed this month:
I participated in 'A Day in my Life' (goal #55)
In progress this month:
I typed up two of my ten quotes books (goal #8)
I saw four new movies - Ironman, Lady in the Water, Transformers, and Groundhog Day (goal #9)
I learned how to make homemade pizza (goal #29)
I've posted bi-weekly comics on Loser Corner, my webcomic. (goal #54)
I participated in Hourly Comic Day 2009 (goal #57)
I made/tossed homemade pizza (goal #88)
I bought tickets to see Rent live (complete with Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal!) (goal #92)
I've been finding ideas for my next 101 list. (goal #100)
Read a complete book (goal #93)
That book happened to be a Douglass Adams book (goal #95)
Not too terrible, if I say so myself.
Total progress bar:
Completed this month:
I participated in 'A Day in my Life' (goal #55)
In progress this month:
I typed up two of my ten quotes books (goal #8)
I saw four new movies - Ironman, Lady in the Water, Transformers, and Groundhog Day (goal #9)
I learned how to make homemade pizza (goal #29)
I've posted bi-weekly comics on Loser Corner, my webcomic. (goal #54)
I participated in Hourly Comic Day 2009 (goal #57)
I made/tossed homemade pizza (goal #88)
I bought tickets to see Rent live (complete with Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal!) (goal #92)
I've been finding ideas for my next 101 list. (goal #100)
Read a complete book (goal #93)
That book happened to be a Douglass Adams book (goal #95)
Not too terrible, if I say so myself.
Total progress bar:
| |
27 / 101 (25.0%) |
Monday, February 16, 2009
200 ideas for my next 101 in 1001
Edit: Apparently I'm crazy, and have decided that I need to make an endless list. So there are now more than 200 goals on this list. :)
Ones in bold are ones I really like and will very probably use for my next list.
1 - Collect all 50 state quarters
2 - Update my LJ x times per week
3 - Redecorate my room
4 - Go to Europe
5 - Complete an issue of a comic I (help) make
6 - Learn to walk in heels
7 - Get a comic book subscription at The Source
8 - Improve my writing
9 - Improve my CD collection
10 - Improve my DVD collection
11 - Try 10 new restaurants
12 - Go to Comic Con
13 - Host a rad Halloween party
14 - Get an external hard drive for my .PSDs and .AVIs
15 - Finish x TV series/anime
16 - Find a good way to organize my earrings
17 - Get a costume for RenFest
18 - Go to a strip club (with John)
19 - Do a time capsule
20 - Wear earrings every day for x days
21 - Buy a proper cosplay wig
22 - Look into getting contacts
23 - Get nice costume fangs
24 - Clean up folders on my computer
25 - Learn how to say "Hello, my name is Bekka." etc in x languages
26 - Go to National Karate--get through my 3rd belt
27 - Learn to draw animals properly
28 - Save up for and buy a vespa
29 - Get my driver's license
30 - [personal]
31 - Seriously consider getting a tattoo
32 - Keep a dream notebook by my bed
33 - Get a pet
34 - Visit NYC, Miama, Austin, LA, etc [one of them]
35 - Find a "drink" I enjoy
36 - Get a "cosplay body"
37 - Keep my bank account positive for x days
38 - Look into/get Netflix
39 - Complete a cross-stitch
40 - Buy all of Supernatural
41 - Buy all of Reaper
42 - Buy all of Beauty and the Geek
43 - Get a road bike
44 - Get presents for all of my siblings for their birthday (including Brian and Aaron)
45 - Pay for John's Warhammer once
46 - Become proficient in that phonetic alphabet
47 - Buy all of Evangelion
48 - Say "No, I don't want/like/agree with that" x times
49 - Cover the car behind me at a drive-thru
50 - Read Les Miserables
51 - Get a BFF tattoo with Anna
52 - Get a tattoo for Muishka
53 - Get on birth control
54 - Grow a plant
55 - Visit Canada
56 - Visit Mexico
57 - Keep a food diary
58 - Road Trip!
59 - Do ADiML x times
60 - Go to a spa
61 - Do x sit ups a night
62 - Go swimming x times
63 - Keep a hand-written journal
64 - Go to the zoo
65 - See the cherry get put back up
66 - Download all the songs on Clearchannel's 'banned' list
67 - Read all of Narnia
68 - Buy all of The Mighty Ducks
69 - Buy every Classic Disney movie on DVD
70 - Buy x new DVDs
71 - Go ice skating
72 - Watch all of Friends
73 - Decide of I want to buy all of Friends
74 - Get my own digital camera
75 - Post a wall calender every year
76 - Make breakfast in bed for John
77 - Reread all of the Harry Potter series
78 - Have a bitchin 21st birthday party
79 - Throw a 101 completion party
80 - Get up by x in the morning for y days
81 - Make a good Kaylee cosplay
82 - Retry three foods that John likes and I don't
83 - Participate in a Rec. sport
84 - Sing at a karaoke bar
85 - Get a Go-To card
86 - Update/start my floofy skirt collection
87 - Go to Geek Prom
88 - Drink eight glasses of water a day for x days
89 - Take Kathy and Paul (my Godparents) out to dinner
90 - Invite Jakey to hang out with us
91 - Look into LASIK
92 - Get a YMCA membership
93 - Set up a portfolio
94 - Finish a jigsaw puzzle IRL
95 - Go to the dentist
96 - Own the "10 Hair Care Products Every Woman Needs"
97 - Get a manicure
98 - Get a nice perfume
99 - Complete a Sudoku book
100 - Get perscription sunglasses
101 - Buy/play The Sims
102 - Get a digital photo-frame
103 - Eat tomatoes I grew myself
104 - Buy myself new glasses
105 - Visit the graveyard on 11/2 and 12/15
106 - Get a hypo-allergenic cat
107 - Go to a midnight movie show
108 - Replace all my VHS tapes (Including "Sweet Children," a home video) with DVD versions
109 - Get a full wax job done
110 - See a stand-up comic live
111 - Go see x movies in the thearer
112 - Save a dollar for every day
113 - Keep a change jar
114 - Play in every round of vampire tag once
115 - Buy a corset for cons/renfair
116 - Try 10 new flavors of ice cream
117 - Learn to start/maintain a campfire
118 - Visit a boardwalk/pier
119 - Go through quotes; turn x number into LC's
120 - Get a complete map of the Cities and mark it with bike/bus routes
121 - See Into the Woods
122 - Plan a surprise party
123 - Make a snowman
124 - Participate in a snowball fight
125 - Modernize a classic fairy tale and make a comic out of it
126 - Update every track in my iTunes with track name, artist, album and genre
127 - Get my own inhaler
128 - Buy a new Nintendo DS
129 - Go on x dates with John
130 - Get an 'old-timey' photograph taken
131 - Collect change for 1001 days
132 - Re-create my '16 Book' for the 1001 days**
133 - Take pictures at 80% of the events I go to
134 - Put effort into my Etsy
135 - Get a new hairstyle
136 - Fly a kite
137 - Help Jo knit seriously (if she's still interested)
138 - Learn how to make x drinks
139 - Knit a hat with a pattern
140 - Make a video equivalent of a '16 Book'
141 - Have a girl's night out
142 - Take a bubble bath
143 - Go to the BWCA
144 - Go kayaking
145 - Learn to properly throw a frisbee
146 - Play every song in all the DDR games I own
147 - Knit something for someone else [or for myself; whichever I do less]
148 - Get henna done
149 - Splurge and buy Ben & Jerry's ice cream
150 - Buy nice 'jammas/lounge pants
151 - Play a drinking game
152 - Get prints of good photos--organize them all into albums
153 - Wear my hair down every day for x days
154 - Watch and buy x classic horror movies
155 - Subscribe to a Podcast and listen to it
156 - Put together a recipe book
157 - See x "classic" movies I haven't seen before (Pulp Fiction, V for Vendetta, Apocalypse Now, etc)
158 - Eat breakfast every day for x days
159 - Have a smoothie for breakfast
160 - Get something bigger than a twin bed
161 - Save up and get a Cintiq
162 - Organize my art supplies
163 - Host Thanksgiving or Christmas
164 - Put together an official, complete address book (on paper)
165 - Write an end-of-the-year/holiday letter for mail to family
166 - Have a movie/series marathon
167 - Make a list of theme songs/important songs to my life
168 - Learn to whistle with two fingers
169 - Get actual DVD racks
170 - Go through and throw out broken/old socks and undies
171 - Get x number of "old" digital photos printed (from 2006-2008ish)
172 - Subscribe to a magazine
173 - Write out a complete filmmaker's resume
174 - Work on my speaking skills by reading poetry aloud
175 - Actually go to the Festival of Nations
176 - Have a fire down by the Mighty Mississippi
177 - Memorize the five phone numbers I call most often
178 - Go rollerskating (for my birthday?)
179 - Go to my five-year high school reunion
180 - Have a Firefly/Serenity marathon
181 - Go into and buy something from an "adult" store
182 - Watch all of one Star Trek series (i.e. all of TNG, or TOS, etc.)
183 - Play softball on my mom's team
184 - Regularly use a day planner for work/school
185 - Visit an out-of-state friend at school
186 - Do a big latch-hook project
187 - Learn to play an ocarina
188 - Replace all my DVDs that "went missing" (Donnie Darko, Day After Tomorrow, Princess Mononoke, etc)
189 - Go to the Redmond family reunion, like when I was a kid
190 - Try "real" Czech food
191 - Watch all of The X Files
192 - Grow my hair as long as I can stand it
193 - Go to a "real" school, not a career school
194 - Get a DeviantART subscription
195 - Go to an SCA event
196 - Make a "money cushion" of $1000 +
197 - Spend the weekend away with John
198 - Learn to make chili
199 - Find x number of new bands I like
200 - Do something for my mom to show her how much I love and appreciate her
Note: I apologize for any goal repeats. This is a lot of goals, and I might not notice.
201 - Try vlogging
202 - Write a short story
203 - Keep a one-sentence journal
204 - Buy myself a pair of nice sandals
205 - Buy myself a pair of nice boots
206 - Send flowers to a friend who's stressing out
207 - Go on walks x times a month
208 - Make cupcakes and bring them to game
209 - Visit Gramma Dorthy's birth town
210 - Visit the House on the Rock (with John)
211 - Go on vacation and use my travel journal
212 - Go to a batting cage
213 - Get a tan
214 - Take a figure drawing class
215 - Floss every night for x days
216 - Track progress of my list online weekly (blog or 101 community)
217 - Knit at least half of an afghan
218 - Win NaNoWriMo
219 - Subscribe to Cosmo
220 - Go to a drive-in
221 - Actually play Tales of Symphonia
222 - Make my own corset
223 - Gather all my recipes and put them into one book etc
224 - Move into a duplex/townhouse(/house?!) with John (Something bigger than an apartment)
225 - Host x game nights
226 - Host x movie nights
227 - Make food for a LAN party
228 - Read my height in books
229 - Wedding A-Z?
230 - Cook or bake for game x times
231 - Go stargazing with John
232 - Spend an entire day in bed with John, having a movie/video game marathon
233 - Buy three lingerie outfits
234 - Make an iTunes for each playlist for each season for a year
235 - Do karaoke with John
236 - Do all of the timed “creative challenges” I know of for a full year (Project 365, Script Frenzy, NaNoMango, NaNoWriMo)
237 - Make candy
**A '16 Book' is something I did for my 16th year. Basically, take a book. Fill it with thoughts, photos, memories, anything, from that year. I didn't let anyone see mine until my 17th birthday, but that's up to you. Basically, it's an ongoing journal/scrapbook thing.
Ones in bold are ones I really like and will very probably use for my next list.
1 - Collect all 50 state quarters
2 - Update my LJ x times per week
3 - Redecorate my room
4 - Go to Europe
5 - Complete an issue of a comic I (help) make
6 - Learn to walk in heels
7 - Get a comic book subscription at The Source
8 - Improve my writing
9 - Improve my CD collection
10 - Improve my DVD collection
11 - Try 10 new restaurants
12 - Go to Comic Con
13 - Host a rad Halloween party
14 - Get an external hard drive for my .PSDs and .AVIs
15 - Finish x TV series/anime
16 - Find a good way to organize my earrings
17 - Get a costume for RenFest
18 - Go to a strip club (with John)
19 - Do a time capsule
20 - Wear earrings every day for x days
21 - Buy a proper cosplay wig
22 - Look into getting contacts
23 - Get nice costume fangs
24 - Clean up folders on my computer
25 - Learn how to say "Hello, my name is Bekka." etc in x languages
26 - Go to National Karate--get through my 3rd belt
27 - Learn to draw animals properly
28 - Save up for and buy a vespa
29 - Get my driver's license
30 - [personal]
31 - Seriously consider getting a tattoo
32 - Keep a dream notebook by my bed
33 - Get a pet
34 - Visit NYC, Miama, Austin, LA, etc [one of them]
35 - Find a "drink" I enjoy
36 - Get a "cosplay body"
37 - Keep my bank account positive for x days
38 - Look into/get Netflix
39 - Complete a cross-stitch
40 - Buy all of Supernatural
41 - Buy all of Reaper
42 - Buy all of Beauty and the Geek
43 - Get a road bike
44 - Get presents for all of my siblings for their birthday (including Brian and Aaron)
45 - Pay for John's Warhammer once
46 - Become proficient in that phonetic alphabet
47 - Buy all of Evangelion
48 - Say "No, I don't want/like/agree with that" x times
49 - Cover the car behind me at a drive-thru
50 - Read Les Miserables
51 - Get a BFF tattoo with Anna
52 - Get a tattoo for Muishka
53 - Get on birth control
54 - Grow a plant
55 - Visit Canada
56 - Visit Mexico
57 - Keep a food diary
58 - Road Trip!
59 - Do ADiML x times
60 - Go to a spa
61 - Do x sit ups a night
62 - Go swimming x times
63 - Keep a hand-written journal
64 - Go to the zoo
65 - See the cherry get put back up
66 - Download all the songs on Clearchannel's 'banned' list
67 - Read all of Narnia
68 - Buy all of The Mighty Ducks
69 - Buy every Classic Disney movie on DVD
70 - Buy x new DVDs
71 - Go ice skating
72 - Watch all of Friends
73 - Decide of I want to buy all of Friends
74 - Get my own digital camera
75 - Post a wall calender every year
76 - Make breakfast in bed for John
77 - Reread all of the Harry Potter series
78 - Have a bitchin 21st birthday party
79 - Throw a 101 completion party
80 - Get up by x in the morning for y days
81 - Make a good Kaylee cosplay
82 - Retry three foods that John likes and I don't
83 - Participate in a Rec. sport
84 - Sing at a karaoke bar
85 - Get a Go-To card
86 - Update/start my floofy skirt collection
87 - Go to Geek Prom
88 - Drink eight glasses of water a day for x days
89 - Take Kathy and Paul (my Godparents) out to dinner
90 - Invite Jakey to hang out with us
91 - Look into LASIK
92 - Get a YMCA membership
93 - Set up a portfolio
94 - Finish a jigsaw puzzle IRL
95 - Go to the dentist
96 - Own the "10 Hair Care Products Every Woman Needs"
97 - Get a manicure
98 - Get a nice perfume
99 - Complete a Sudoku book
100 - Get perscription sunglasses
101 - Buy/play The Sims
102 - Get a digital photo-frame
103 - Eat tomatoes I grew myself
104 - Buy myself new glasses
105 - Visit the graveyard on 11/2 and 12/15
106 - Get a hypo-allergenic cat
107 - Go to a midnight movie show
108 - Replace all my VHS tapes (Including "Sweet Children," a home video) with DVD versions
109 - Get a full wax job done
110 - See a stand-up comic live
111 - Go see x movies in the thearer
112 - Save a dollar for every day
113 - Keep a change jar
114 - Play in every round of vampire tag once
115 - Buy a corset for cons/renfair
116 - Try 10 new flavors of ice cream
117 - Learn to start/maintain a campfire
118 - Visit a boardwalk/pier
119 - Go through quotes; turn x number into LC's
120 - Get a complete map of the Cities and mark it with bike/bus routes
121 - See Into the Woods
122 - Plan a surprise party
123 - Make a snowman
124 - Participate in a snowball fight
125 - Modernize a classic fairy tale and make a comic out of it
126 - Update every track in my iTunes with track name, artist, album and genre
127 - Get my own inhaler
128 - Buy a new Nintendo DS
129 - Go on x dates with John
130 - Get an 'old-timey' photograph taken
131 - Collect change for 1001 days
132 - Re-create my '16 Book' for the 1001 days**
133 - Take pictures at 80% of the events I go to
134 - Put effort into my Etsy
135 - Get a new hairstyle
136 - Fly a kite
137 - Help Jo knit seriously (if she's still interested)
138 - Learn how to make x drinks
139 - Knit a hat with a pattern
140 - Make a video equivalent of a '16 Book'
141 - Have a girl's night out
142 - Take a bubble bath
143 - Go to the BWCA
144 - Go kayaking
145 - Learn to properly throw a frisbee
146 - Play every song in all the DDR games I own
147 - Knit something for someone else [or for myself; whichever I do less]
148 - Get henna done
149 - Splurge and buy Ben & Jerry's ice cream
150 - Buy nice 'jammas/lounge pants
151 - Play a drinking game
152 - Get prints of good photos--organize them all into albums
153 - Wear my hair down every day for x days
154 - Watch and buy x classic horror movies
155 - Subscribe to a Podcast and listen to it
156 - Put together a recipe book
157 - See x "classic" movies I haven't seen before (Pulp Fiction, V for Vendetta, Apocalypse Now, etc)
158 - Eat breakfast every day for x days
159 - Have a smoothie for breakfast
160 - Get something bigger than a twin bed
161 - Save up and get a Cintiq
162 - Organize my art supplies
163 - Host Thanksgiving or Christmas
164 - Put together an official, complete address book (on paper)
165 - Write an end-of-the-year/holiday letter for mail to family
166 - Have a movie/series marathon
167 - Make a list of theme songs/important songs to my life
168 - Learn to whistle with two fingers
169 - Get actual DVD racks
170 - Go through and throw out broken/old socks and undies
171 - Get x number of "old" digital photos printed (from 2006-2008ish)
172 - Subscribe to a magazine
173 - Write out a complete filmmaker's resume
174 - Work on my speaking skills by reading poetry aloud
175 - Actually go to the Festival of Nations
176 - Have a fire down by the Mighty Mississippi
177 - Memorize the five phone numbers I call most often
178 - Go rollerskating (for my birthday?)
179 - Go to my five-year high school reunion
180 - Have a Firefly/Serenity marathon
181 - Go into and buy something from an "adult" store
182 - Watch all of one Star Trek series (i.e. all of TNG, or TOS, etc.)
183 - Play softball on my mom's team
184 - Regularly use a day planner for work/school
185 - Visit an out-of-state friend at school
186 - Do a big latch-hook project
187 - Learn to play an ocarina
188 - Replace all my DVDs that "went missing" (Donnie Darko, Day After Tomorrow, Princess Mononoke, etc)
189 - Go to the Redmond family reunion, like when I was a kid
190 - Try "real" Czech food
191 - Watch all of The X Files
192 - Grow my hair as long as I can stand it
193 - Go to a "real" school, not a career school
194 - Get a DeviantART subscription
195 - Go to an SCA event
196 - Make a "money cushion" of $1000 +
197 - Spend the weekend away with John
198 - Learn to make chili
199 - Find x number of new bands I like
200 - Do something for my mom to show her how much I love and appreciate her
Note: I apologize for any goal repeats. This is a lot of goals, and I might not notice.
201 - Try vlogging
202 - Write a short story
203 - Keep a one-sentence journal
204 - Buy myself a pair of nice sandals
205 - Buy myself a pair of nice boots
206 - Send flowers to a friend who's stressing out
207 - Go on walks x times a month
208 - Make cupcakes and bring them to game
209 - Visit Gramma Dorthy's birth town
210 - Visit the House on the Rock (with John)
211 - Go on vacation and use my travel journal
212 - Go to a batting cage
213 - Get a tan
214 - Take a figure drawing class
215 - Floss every night for x days
216 - Track progress of my list online weekly (blog or 101 community)
217 - Knit at least half of an afghan
218 - Win NaNoWriMo
219 - Subscribe to Cosmo
220 - Go to a drive-in
221 - Actually play Tales of Symphonia
222 - Make my own corset
223 - Gather all my recipes and put them into one book etc
224 - Move into a duplex/townhouse(/house?!) with John (Something bigger than an apartment)
225 - Host x game nights
226 - Host x movie nights
227 - Make food for a LAN party
228 - Read my height in books
229 - Wedding A-Z?
230 - Cook or bake for game x times
231 - Go stargazing with John
232 - Spend an entire day in bed with John, having a movie/video game marathon
233 - Buy three lingerie outfits
234 - Make an iTunes for each playlist for each season for a year
235 - Do karaoke with John
236 - Do all of the timed “creative challenges” I know of for a full year (Project 365, Script Frenzy, NaNoMango, NaNoWriMo)
237 - Make candy
**A '16 Book' is something I did for my 16th year. Basically, take a book. Fill it with thoughts, photos, memories, anything, from that year. I didn't let anyone see mine until my 17th birthday, but that's up to you. Basically, it's an ongoing journal/scrapbook thing.
In Progress goals
-Sell at an alley that is not Detour
The Anime Central Alley has been confirmed. This goal should be complete at the end of May.
-Earn 400 fitness credits
(12/400) (158/546
The Anime Central Alley has been confirmed. This goal should be complete at the end of May.
-Earn 400 fitness credits
(12/400) (158/546
My new finishing date is September 28, 2013. I just started on the 1st. :D So, here is the new list:
-Redecorate my room
-Do/attempt self-imposed-sock-of-the-month-club
-Knit/crochet 10 things for someone else
-Knit/crochet 10 things for myself
-Knit/crochet 100 projects to completion
-Make/start a quilt
-Knit at least half of an afghan
-Get and use a sewing machine
-At least start the World Map afghan
-Reduce my yarn stash by 50%, at least
-Have a plan for the remaining 50%, even if it’s just “scrapghan” or “trade/gift”
-Knit a sweater
-Modernize a classic fairy tale and make a comic out of it, at least through the thumbnail stage
-Draw from life in a public place 10 times, and fill the page!
-Win NaNoMango
-Win NaNoWriMo
-Visit Dr. Sketchy’s Anti-Art school
-Redraw LJ mood themes
-Draw a sketch a day for three months
-Draw from life every day for a month
-Sell at an Alley that is not Detour - ACen table confirmed. Goal will be complete at the end of May
-Make five hourly comic day comics
-Wear earrings every day for 30 days
-Get a manicure
-Entirely update my wardrobe
-Get some sort of body modification (tattoo, piercing, etc)
For Others
-Make breakfast in bed for John
-Get a costume for RenFest/CON
-Get a corset for CON/Renfair
-Actually play Tales of Symphonia
-Try vlogging
-Post to my knitting blog twice a week for two months
-Post to my art blog twice a week for two months
Being a grown up
-Get my driver’s license
-Get on birth control
-Host Thanksgiving or Christmas
-Obtain enough underclothes to wear something new and clean every day for at least a week without having to do laundry
-Graduate, or take substantial steps to getting there
-Clean my stupid room
-Move out
-Save up for/plan out in detail a new desk arrangement w/ desktop computer
-Buy every classic disney movie on DVD that comes out of the vault during my mission
-Improve my DVD collection by 10 every year (TV seasons count as 2)
-Update/start my floofy skirt collection by 5
-Get perscription sunglasses
-Watch and buy 10 good horror movies
Bettering Myself
-Go to National Karate and get through my 3rd belt, at least
-Retry three foods that John likes that I don’t
-Go kayaking
-Have a (healthy) smoothie for breakfast/a meal 10 times
-Memorize the five numbers I call most often (mom, Hannah, John, Mike, Ellie?)
-Declutter my room in five steps: clothes, bookshelves, closet, under the bed, desk
-Get down to 160-170 lbs and stay there for three months (give or take 5lbs) (207.5/170)
-Earn 400 fitness credits (12/400 158/546)
-Perform the Sun Salutation 20/30 days one month
-Go at least one month without caffeine (but not necessarily soda)
-Go at least one month without soda (but not necessarily caffeine)
-Take a dance class
-Have a girl’s night out
-Play a drinking game
-Have a movie/series marathon
-Spend the weekend away with John
-Spend the day in bed with John, having a movie/video game marathon
-Learn to make chili
-Make cupcakes/etc and bring them to game
-Make noms for a LAN party
-Attempt 100 new recipes and save the good ones
-Bake fresh bread
-Do a time capsule
-Get prints of all my good photos and organize them into albums
-Read 50 books
-Place 100 posties with things that make me happy
-Stargaze, preferably with a friend and a starbook
-Read at least one previously unread book by 26 different authors, one for each letter of the alphabet
-Do something holiday themed for every major holiday (New Year’s, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Independence Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas), but not necessarily in the same year
You may have noticed that there are only 75. I'm going to fill in the last 26 over the next 300 days or so.
Monday, February 2, 2009
One Time Goals
Goals that I can complete by doing one thing
1 - Get a new piercing
2 - Wear a 2-piece outside
9 - Alphabetize manga
16 - Get a higher score than John at a FPS game
18 - Read a trashy romance novel
20 - Buy merch from a webcomic I like
21 - See a professional musical live
31 - Visit a chiropractor
33 - Move out
39 - Get enrolled in college
46 - Learn to juggle
47 - Learn to throw a Frisbee properly
51 - Learn to whistle with two fingers
52 - Replace my Intous 3 with an Intous 4, when the time comes
53 - Learn how to tie a tie Save up for and buy a better TV
54 - Save up for a Wii (0/250)
55 - Save up for Wii Fit (0/140)
56 - Save up for a macbook
57 - Finish LJ mood themes
59 - Completely fill a sketchbook
63 - Cover the front walk in chalk drawings
68 - Participate in A Day in my Life
70 - Participate in hourly comic day
71 - Do karaoke with Ellie
72 - Go dancing with friends
73 - Have a candlelit meal
74 - Kiss John at midnight on New Year’s
76 - Kiss under mistletoe
80 - Go to a Wild’s game
81 - Go to a Twin’s or Saint’s game
85 - Go on a picnic
86 - Send a postcard to Post Secret
87 - Watch the sunrise with someone I love
88 - Watch the sunset with someone I love
89 - See the ocean
90 - Skinny dip
93 - Go indoor rock-climbing
94 - Be a Secret Santa
95 - Go bowling
96 - Make homemade pizza outside the Shoppe
97 - Visit a new state
99 - Go to RenFest
100 - Bake a Layered Cake
1 - Get a new piercing
31 - Visit a chiropractor
33 - Move out
46 - Learn to juggle
47 - Learn to throw a Frisbee properly
52 - Replace my Intous 3 with an Intous 4, when the time comes
53 - Learn how to tie a tie Save up for and buy a better TV
54 - Save up for a Wii (0/250)
55 - Save up for Wii Fit (0/140)
73 - Have a candlelit meal
76 - Kiss under mistletoe
80 - Go to a Wild’s game
85 - Go on a picnic
86 - Send a postcard to Post Secret
87 - Watch the sunrise with someone I love
88 - Watch the sunset with someone I love
89 - See the ocean
90 - Skinny dip
93 - Go indoor rock-climbing
97 - Visit a new state
100 - Bake a Layered Cake
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