Completed this month:
I participated in 'A Day in my Life' (goal #55)
In progress this month:
I typed up two of my ten quotes books (goal #8)
I saw four new movies - Ironman, Lady in the Water, Transformers, and Groundhog Day (goal #9)
I learned how to make homemade pizza (goal #29)
I've posted bi-weekly comics on Loser Corner, my webcomic. (goal #54)
I participated in Hourly Comic Day 2009 (goal #57)
I made/tossed homemade pizza (goal #88)
I bought tickets to see Rent live (complete with Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal!) (goal #92)
I've been finding ideas for my next 101 list. (goal #100)
Read a complete book (goal #93)
That book happened to be a Douglass Adams book (goal #95)
Not too terrible, if I say so myself.
Total progress bar:
| |
27 / 101 (25.0%) |
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