
0 / 101 goals. 0% done!

Monday, February 16, 2009

200 ideas for my next 101 in 1001

Edit: Apparently I'm crazy, and have decided that I need to make an endless list. So there are now more than 200 goals on this list. :)

Ones in bold are ones I really like and will very probably use for my next list.

1 - Collect all 50 state quarters
2 - Update my LJ x times per week
3 - Redecorate my room
4 - Go to Europe
5 - Complete an issue of a comic I (help) make
6 - Learn to walk in heels
7 - Get a comic book subscription at The Source
8 - Improve my writing
9 - Improve my CD collection
10 - Improve my DVD collection
11 - Try 10 new restaurants
12 - Go to Comic Con
13 - Host a rad Halloween party
14 - Get an external hard drive for my .PSDs and .AVIs
15 - Finish x TV series/anime
16 - Find a good way to organize my earrings
17 - Get a costume for RenFest
18 - Go to a strip club (with John)
19 - Do a time capsule
20 - Wear earrings every day for x days
21 - Buy a proper cosplay wig
22 - Look into getting contacts
23 - Get nice costume fangs
24 - Clean up folders on my computer
25 - Learn how to say "Hello, my name is Bekka." etc in x languages
26 - Go to National Karate--get through my 3rd belt
27 - Learn to draw animals properly
28 - Save up for and buy a vespa
29 - Get my driver's license
30 - [personal]
31 - Seriously consider getting a tattoo
32 - Keep a dream notebook by my bed
33 - Get a pet
34 - Visit NYC, Miama, Austin, LA, etc [one of them]
35 - Find a "drink" I enjoy
36 - Get a "cosplay body"
37 - Keep my bank account positive for x days
38 - Look into/get Netflix
39 - Complete a cross-stitch
40 - Buy all of Supernatural
41 - Buy all of Reaper
42 - Buy all of Beauty and the Geek
43 - Get a road bike
44 - Get presents for all of my siblings for their birthday (including Brian and Aaron)
45 - Pay for John's Warhammer once
46 - Become proficient in that phonetic alphabet
47 - Buy all of Evangelion
48 - Say "No, I don't want/like/agree with that" x times
49 - Cover the car behind me at a drive-thru
50 - Read Les Miserables
51 - Get a BFF tattoo with Anna
52 - Get a tattoo for Muishka
53 - Get on birth control
54 - Grow a plant
55 - Visit Canada
56 - Visit Mexico
57 - Keep a food diary
58 - Road Trip!
59 - Do ADiML x times
60 - Go to a spa
61 - Do x sit ups a night
62 - Go swimming x times
63 - Keep a hand-written journal
64 - Go to the zoo
65 - See the cherry get put back up
66 - Download all the songs on Clearchannel's 'banned' list
67 - Read all of Narnia
68 - Buy all of The Mighty Ducks
69 - Buy every Classic Disney movie on DVD
70 - Buy x new DVDs
71 - Go ice skating
72 - Watch all of Friends
73 - Decide of I want to buy all of Friends
74 - Get my own digital camera
75 - Post a wall calender every year
76 - Make breakfast in bed for John
77 - Reread all of the Harry Potter series
78 - Have a bitchin 21st birthday party
79 - Throw a 101 completion party
80 - Get up by x in the morning for y days
81 - Make a good Kaylee cosplay
82 - Retry three foods that John likes and I don't
83 - Participate in a Rec. sport
84 - Sing at a karaoke bar
85 - Get a Go-To card
86 - Update/start my floofy skirt collection
87 - Go to Geek Prom
88 - Drink eight glasses of water a day for x days
89 - Take Kathy and Paul (my Godparents) out to dinner
90 - Invite Jakey to hang out with us
91 - Look into LASIK
92 - Get a YMCA membership
93 - Set up a portfolio
94 - Finish a jigsaw puzzle IRL
95 - Go to the dentist
96 - Own the "10 Hair Care Products Every Woman Needs"
97 - Get a manicure
98 - Get a nice perfume
99 - Complete a Sudoku book
100 - Get perscription sunglasses
101 - Buy/play The Sims
102 - Get a digital photo-frame
103 - Eat tomatoes I grew myself
104 - Buy myself new glasses
105 - Visit the graveyard on 11/2 and 12/15
106 - Get a hypo-allergenic cat
107 - Go to a midnight movie show
108 - Replace all my VHS tapes (Including "Sweet Children," a home video) with DVD versions
109 - Get a full wax job done
110 - See a stand-up comic live
111 - Go see x movies in the thearer
112 - Save a dollar for every day
113 - Keep a change jar
114 - Play in every round of vampire tag once
115 - Buy a corset for cons/renfair
116 - Try 10 new flavors of ice cream
117 - Learn to start/maintain a campfire
118 - Visit a boardwalk/pier
119 - Go through quotes; turn x number into LC's
120 - Get a complete map of the Cities and mark it with bike/bus routes
121 - See Into the Woods
122 - Plan a surprise party
123 - Make a snowman
124 - Participate in a snowball fight
125 - Modernize a classic fairy tale and make a comic out of it
126 - Update every track in my iTunes with track name, artist, album and genre
127 - Get my own inhaler
128 - Buy a new Nintendo DS
129 - Go on x dates with John
130 - Get an 'old-timey' photograph taken
131 - Collect change for 1001 days
132 - Re-create my '16 Book' for the 1001 days**
133 - Take pictures at 80% of the events I go to
134 - Put effort into my Etsy
135 - Get a new hairstyle
136 - Fly a kite
137 - Help Jo knit seriously (if she's still interested)
138 - Learn how to make x drinks
139 - Knit a hat with a pattern
140 - Make a video equivalent of a '16 Book'
141 - Have a girl's night out
142 - Take a bubble bath
143 - Go to the BWCA
144 - Go kayaking
145 - Learn to properly throw a frisbee
146 - Play every song in all the DDR games I own
147 - Knit something for someone else [or for myself; whichever I do less]
148 - Get henna done
149 - Splurge and buy Ben & Jerry's ice cream
150 - Buy nice 'jammas/lounge pants
151 - Play a drinking game
152 - Get prints of good photos--organize them all into albums
153 - Wear my hair down every day for x days
154 - Watch and buy x classic horror movies
155 - Subscribe to a Podcast and listen to it
156 - Put together a recipe book
157 - See x "classic" movies I haven't seen before (Pulp Fiction, V for Vendetta, Apocalypse Now, etc)
158 - Eat breakfast every day for x days
159 - Have a smoothie for breakfast
160 - Get something bigger than a twin bed
161 - Save up and get a Cintiq
162 - Organize my art supplies
163 - Host Thanksgiving or Christmas
164 - Put together an official, complete address book (on paper)
165 - Write an end-of-the-year/holiday letter for mail to family
166 - Have a movie/series marathon
167 - Make a list of theme songs/important songs to my life
168 - Learn to whistle with two fingers
169 - Get actual DVD racks
170 - Go through and throw out broken/old socks and undies
171 - Get x number of "old" digital photos printed (from 2006-2008ish)
172 - Subscribe to a magazine
173 - Write out a complete filmmaker's resume
174 - Work on my speaking skills by reading poetry aloud
175 - Actually go to the Festival of Nations
176 - Have a fire down by the Mighty Mississippi
177 - Memorize the five phone numbers I call most often
178 - Go rollerskating (for my birthday?)
179 - Go to my five-year high school reunion
180 - Have a Firefly/Serenity marathon
181 - Go into and buy something from an "adult" store
182 - Watch all of one Star Trek series (i.e. all of TNG, or TOS, etc.)
183 - Play softball on my mom's team
184 - Regularly use a day planner for work/school
185 - Visit an out-of-state friend at school
186 - Do a big latch-hook project
187 - Learn to play an ocarina
188 - Replace all my DVDs that "went missing" (Donnie Darko, Day After Tomorrow, Princess Mononoke, etc)
189 - Go to the Redmond family reunion, like when I was a kid
190 - Try "real" Czech food
191 - Watch all of The X Files
192 - Grow my hair as long as I can stand it
193 - Go to a "real" school, not a career school
194 - Get a DeviantART subscription
195 - Go to an SCA event
196 - Make a "money cushion" of $1000 +
197 - Spend the weekend away with John
198 - Learn to make chili
199 - Find x number of new bands I like
200 - Do something for my mom to show her how much I love and appreciate her

Note: I apologize for any goal repeats. This is a lot of goals, and I might not notice.

201 - Try vlogging
202 - Write a short story
203 - Keep a one-sentence journal
204 - Buy myself a pair of nice sandals
205 - Buy myself a pair of nice boots
206 - Send flowers to a friend who's stressing out
207 - Go on walks x times a month
208 - Make cupcakes and bring them to game
209 - Visit Gramma Dorthy's birth town
210 - Visit the House on the Rock (with John)
211 - Go on vacation and use my travel journal
212 - Go to a batting cage
213 - Get a tan
214 - Take a figure drawing class
215 - Floss every night for x days
216 - Track progress of my list online weekly (blog or 101 community)
217 - Knit at least half of an afghan
218 - Win NaNoWriMo
219 - Subscribe to Cosmo
220 - Go to a drive-in
221 - Actually play Tales of Symphonia
222 - Make my own corset
223 - Gather all my recipes and put them into one book etc
224 - Move into a duplex/townhouse(/house?!) with John (Something bigger than an apartment)
225 - Host x game nights
226 - Host x movie nights
227 - Make food for a LAN party
228 - Read my height in books
229 - Wedding A-Z?
230 - Cook or bake for game x times
231 - Go stargazing with John
232 - Spend an entire day in bed with John, having a movie/video game marathon
233 - Buy three lingerie outfits
234 - Make an iTunes for each playlist for each season for a year
235 - Do karaoke with John
236 - Do all of the timed “creative challenges” I know of for a full year (Project 365, Script Frenzy, NaNoMango, NaNoWriMo)
237 - Make candy

**A '16 Book' is something I did for my 16th year. Basically, take a book. Fill it with thoughts, photos, memories, anything, from that year. I didn't let anyone see mine until my 17th birthday, but that's up to you. Basically, it's an ongoing journal/scrapbook thing.

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